The globalstats_profile_note method allows you to get all public information about a specific note ID.

If you are logged in and are viewing your own note this method also returns some private note data such as the full serial number.

Input parameters:

note_idthe ID of the note
language(optional) EBT language code, defaults to "en" (English); please see the EBT website for a list of available languages
time_offset(optional) offset from UTC in winter time, defaults to 2 (i.e. UTC+2 / EET)

The language and time_offset parameters allow you to localize some note data, e.g. show the country name in your language or the note entry timestamp adjusted to your timezone. By default the data is presented in English and with a Finnish timestamp. Please note that the server is honoring European daylight saving time, so the time offset doesn't have to be adjusted if you're from a country with similar summer time rules.


An associative array containing the following elements:

dataan associative array containing information about the note:
- note_id
- denomination
- anonymized_serial_number
- anonymized_printer_code
- serial_numberonly available if you are logged in and viewing your own note, otherwise same as anonymized_serial_number
- printer_codeonly available if you are logged in and viewing your own note, otherwise same as anonymized_printer_code
- yearyear the design was issued
- cardinalitynumber of times this note has been entered
- stepsan associative array containing the information about each time the note has been entered, consists of:
- step_idrunning number starting from 0 (first step)
- timestamp
- timestamp_adjustedaccording to provided timezone
- user_id
- user_name
- city_id
- city_nameoriginal name, e.g. Roma for Rome, Wien for Vienna
- city_name_translatedlocalized city name
- location_namecity name as entered by user
- postal_code
- country_nameEnglish name
- country_name_translatedlocalized country name
- latitude
- longitude
- latlong_qualityenumeration: 0 = exact, 1-9 = interpolated at various degrees (higher == worse, >8 may be outright wrong), -1 = no coordinates found
- commentas entered by user
- hit_kmdifference to previous step in km
- hit_daysdifference to previous step in days
- total_km
- total_days
- is_moderatedenumeration: 0 = note is not moderated, 1 = is moderated
- is_editedonly available if you are logged in and viewing your own note (otherwise NULL); enumeration: 0 = not edited, 1 = was edited
- img_url_europeNULL if note has only been seen outside of Europe OR no coordinates are available (unknown location(s)), otherwise map URL
- img_url_worldNULL if note has only been seen in Europe OR no coordinates are available (unknown location(s)), otherwise map URL

If no note has been entered with the requested id the data array is empty.


Current version: 1

Previous versions: -none-

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